Years of waiting.
Decades of silence. Each generation hoping that they would see the Promised One. In the fullness of time He did come, But not as anyone expected-- Not as anyone could have imagined. Born to a virgin in a borrowed shelter, He appeared, and the soul felt its worth. Lowly shepherds worshipped the perfect Lamb of God. Kings from afar humbly bowed before the newborn King of Kings. Good news proclaimed to the poor, Healing for the brokenhearted, Freedom for those in captivity, And recovery of sight for the blind-- A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, And yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Jesus was not what anyone expected but exactly who everyone needed. I, too, am waiting. In quietness and trust I find my strength. Each year, praying for salvation, redemption, freedom, recovery, For the restoration of all that is broken-- In this world, in my family. . . in me. His patience must not be mistaken for slowness in keeping His promise, For it's His kindness that leads us to repentance. His love transforms every heart that prepares Him room. He is still opening blind eyes and freeing captives. He is still the Good Shepherd, chasing after the one who wanders. It’s the very reason He came—to seek and to save those who are lost. So, I wait with expectancy for Him to do above and beyond all I could ask or even imagine. I’m trusting the One in whom all things hold together, our Savior, our cornerstone. The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Him alone. —Becky Baudouin Comments are closed.
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